Thursday, March 5, 2009


         Where do I begin? I have had so many thoughts, wonders, questions, frustrations, and even a few worries over the past couple of weeks since my arrival. I suppose I should have started this earlier but as with everything else in life, 'better late then never'. Before I begin I must admit that I am extremely self-conscience and the ultimate form of one's own cognizance is best translated through writing (that is, if words can adequately describe the world at all). That being said, this blog (is blog plural by the way or what?) will probably range from my profound musings to the asinine debauchery that makes up my life. I think I suffer from a mild case of attention deficit disorder (a made up disorder I believe) and because of that I may digress often so be prepared. Oh, and when I put stuff into parenthesis that means I'm thinking of something and don't know how to insert my thoughts into the sentence; I have an unhealthy habit of doing this but what the hell, it's not like I'm writing a dissertation or something. I hope my writings are somewhat coherent and enjoyable but email, facebook, (why hasn't Microsoft word/Apple made this an official word yet- it has become such a frighteningly integral part of my life it ought to be!!) or call me if you have no clue what I am talking about in a particular blog or would like to know more. And one more thing before I get started on telling you or myself about my adventures here; you will probably notice my lexicon, grammar, punctuation, and the like getting progressively worse (or retrogressively worse?) over the course of each blog. Don't worry Mom and Dad, I'm not stoned, on psychedelics, or drunk (okay, I may blog a couple times while inebriated- love that word, probably one of the best euphemism ever). My English or Engrish as many Koreans pronounce the word gets worse by the day because I have to explain sentences while teaching and in life in very simple terms; I'm talking no more than seven words per sentence per sentence and forget about SAT vocabulary words or words of the day. Sadly I've noticed that in some of my emails and facebook (fb for short- this is when you know that facebook consumes your life and you are a slave to the 'social networking site') I write sentences like, I feeling exhausted from teaching or I mix up tenses or forget to pluralize words. Okay, I'm glad we've got all that taken care of- I think we can and we must start. Namaste. 

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