Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Flight

I'll try and recollect my thought/emotions that I went through when I started this journey. Up until the day I left I was quite excited to be going to Korea- I mean this was the country that gave the world Korean BBQ, Kimchi, the most Great Leader Kim Jong-il, Kia cars, and of course, who could forget the influential pop music icon, Rain (inside joke if you know something about Korean culture or the Colbert Show)! Anyway, here I was full of jubilation (haven't used that word in a while- cool) essentially getting paid to travel (who in there right mind would pass that up?- btw, does that expression mean right mind i.e. compared to your left mind or right meaning morality/ethics?..anyway) but as I left I was actually pretty depressed from all the goodbyes. As with many farewells you have to figure that you're probably never going to see certain people ever again. My sadness however, quickly changed once we took off from SFO and I made friends with the girl in back of me (another EPIK teacher) and a Korean dude sitting next to her and discovered you could get free drinks on the flights (nice run-on sentence Zeke)! Best of all or at least the most humorous part of the flight was they, Singapore Airlines, served what some affectionately call, The Beast (Milwaukee's Best). It was kind of nostalgic leaving the States having drunk the Beast on so many epic nights playing beer pong haha. Now I don't usually like to push commercialism but Singapore Airlines is one of the most amazing airlines I've ever flown on (flown with them twice). Besides the ultra attractive flight attendants who wear exotic South East Asian garb they have a ton of cool shit for you to do for the short 13 hour flight. You can look at a Zagat guide of restaurants and hotels of the place you're going to, learn survival phrases of a language, play video games either by yourself or against other passengers, watch the forty odd movies/TV shows, or just sit back and watch the plane inch across the screen on the live flight map. After about nine hours I usually resort to the last- I find it to be an excellent test of patience. 

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