Sunday, November 8, 2009

Random Thoughts about America

I see a nation consumed with endless varieties of entertainment, self-distraction, and self-gratification. America is a nation of penem et circircences, breads and circus. We have a sport for each season to keep us perpetually entranced from the sordid realities that confront us. All the while our country slowly atrophies from gross negligence and blithe indifference. Let us not mind the poor or the millions that cannot find work. Forget about the untold billions we waste defending ungrateful populations e.g. Afghanistan, Iraq, among many others. Don't worry about our aging infrastructure, our dilapidated public transportation system, lest of all our astronomical deficit. Instead let us stay transfixed with Obama's empty elocution, with meaningless games, and Hollywood movies that deaden senses.
-There are those hapless individuals that cling to the notion that party politics are still relevant and necessary in rectifying societal ills. They mistakenly put their principles behind corporate subsidized parties and self-interested politicians that only seek re-election. Only when we change our political system can true change be implemented.
-By its very nature democracy or rule by the people will inevitably fail in creating a humane, judicious, and prosperous society. The unwitting masses are without exception always blinded by the elitist demagogues that control them. So as long as democracy exists, nations will habitually focus on the wrong sort of problems. Healthcare is the red herring at hand.

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